Vision /Mission
The District is responsible for providing leadership and programming for soil and water conservation programs within Blackford County.  

The District was organized and managed by local  landowners in Blackford County. The SWCD consists of a board of five supervisors, all county familiar with the conservation needs of the county. County land occupiers elect three of the supervisors; the State Soil Conservation Board, as recommended by the local District, appoints the other two.  A supervisor’s term is three years and no more than 2 terms expire in any one year.  

2024 Board
Dave Smith, Chairman

Kevin Love, Vice Chairman

Aaron Lechien, Secretary

Lisa Love, Supervisor

Clifton Rinker, Supervisor

The SWCD Board of Supervisors meet at least once a month to conduct the business of the district. They also meet on other occasions as required to carry out the programs of the SWCD.  The monthly board meetings are open to the public.

Election Rules
One person is appointed to the SWCD each year to serve for a three year term. This year is an open year for an appointment position.  One person is elected to the SWCD each year.  The regular term of office for an elected supervisor is three years.  A nominating committee is formed to seek qualified candidates to run for the office. The election must be conducted by written ballot and the newly elected supervisor must be sworn in at a public ceremony.

Voter Eligibility
An individual of voting age or a representative of a firm, company, or corporation that owns or rents land/property located within the district/county may vote. (Eligible individuals also include the owner and tenant of the same land/property as well as any owner’s or tenant’s spouse.)


Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts (IASWCD)

The IASWCD serves as a united voice for all 92 conservation districts across the state. The Association aids districts by pursing new and/or updated policy and legislation. They work to coordinate technical, financial, and other forms of assistance from available sources (public and private, local, state, and federal) in an effort to develop locally-driven solutions to natural resource concerns. The Association also provides professional development for district supervisors and staff.

National Association of Conservation Districts 

The NASWCD is a united voice for all SWCDs across the country at the federal level and offers monthly webcast programs for staff and weekly conservation information via emails.

Neighboring and Regional SWCDs

Partners for workshops and grants, and provides networking for district staff.

Indiana Districts Employee Association (IDEA) 

Encourages excellent work ethics and promotes and provides professional development for district employees.

Indiana State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) - Division of Soil Conservation (DSC) and State Soil Conservation Board (SSCB)

ISDA-DSC provides guidance, direction, and professional development for district supervisors and staff. The ISDA-SSCB provides direction and funding opportunities to the SWCD through Clean Water Indiana (CWI) grants.

Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative

This organization  offers support and financial assistance for speakers for soil health workshops.

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) - Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)

NRCS is our chief source of technical expertise in the agricultural area. We share office space, technology, data, and communication equipment to achieve our common goals of reducing erosion, sediment, and nutrients loss, while improving soil health on productive agricultural lands, establishing wildlife and pollinator habitats, and protecting and improving water quality. The NRCS District Conservationist implements Farm Bill programs in the county and advises the local SWCD Board of Supervisors as they seek to address conservation concerns on agricultural lands in the county.

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) - Farm Service Agency (FSA) -

The FSA assists us with communication with producers and conservation education activities.

Purdue University Cooperative Extension

The Purdue Extension is the educational branch of the Indiana Conservation Partnership (ICP). Through Cooperative Extension-Delaware County we have local staff and University expertise available for workshops, field days, and other conservation education activities.